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August 4, 2011 / mollywillows

S H A R K A T T A C K !

the tent to the festival read “SHARK ATTACK”. so did all the signs around the tiny town of sackville, new brunswick, which was hosting its sixth annual sappyfest. the fest never doesn’t delight; though, an extra ooze of magic hung in the air on this year’s inaugural friday aft. MAYBE it was the eighteen-wheeler behind the tiny mainstage tent unloading dozens of crates stamped “ARCADE FIRE”??? and MAYBE that they were casually chilling about with the other 1,000 festival goers as if they WEREN’T the world’s largest band??? and then took to the stage with a stroppily hung “SHARK ATTACK” sign??? pretending it was their first ever show???  and then played for an hour to the shock and delight of unsuspecting (and some suspecting) festival goers??? WATCH THE MAGIC BELOW!




video by the talented miss sandi rankaduwa of halifax, ns.

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